
Regional R conferences around the world.

The satRdays are SQLSaturday-inspired, community-led, one-day, regional and very affordable conferences around the world to support collaboration, networking and innovation within the R community.


The first satRday conference is today! (Sep 3 2016)

The very first conference in the satRdays series just started at Budapest with 25 speakers and almost 200 registrations and live streaming of the talks.


The first satRdays locations are selected (May 31 2016)

More than 2,000 people voted in the past few days about where the first satRday events should be in 2016, and the winners are Puerto Rico and Cape Town -- besides Budapest, where the first event will take place in September.


satRdays are go! (March 23 2016)

We are excited to announce that the R Consortium decided to support our project!


Proposal submitted to the R Consortium (January 10 2016)

We have submitted a proposal to the R Consortium on the satRdays project.

The whole project and all events are community-driven, so there are a number of individuals and organizations contributing to the project, but if you are looking for an actual team behind the concept of satRdays, please feel free to get in touch with us:

  • Steph Locke is a Principal Consultant at Mango Solutions and runs user groups & conferences in her spare time. She runs R, SQL, and .Net user groups in Cardiff, UK, and organises national conferences called SQL Relay. Over the past 3 years she's organised 25 days of SQL Relay conferences in more than 12 locations. Most recently, Microsoft made her a Data Platform Most Valued Professional for her community work in and around SQL Server and R.
  • Gergely Daroczi is the maintainer of the pander and a few other minor CRAN packages, organizer of the Hungarian R User Group with ~500 members, technical founder of an R and Ruby-on-Rails driven reporting application at, author of an intermediary R book and currently working as a Lead R Developer and Research Data Scientist at in Los Angeles.

Point to event homepage after a one sentence intro...

Location Date Attendees Homepage
Budapest, Hungary3 September
San Juan, Puerto Rico??? 2016100-250TBA
Cape Town, South Africa18 February

Interested in organizing a satRday in your area? Please let us know!

Please help us understand the community needs and/or offer your help in organizing satRday events:

Looking forward to your contributions in the below repositories:

Please use the #satRdays hashtag on Twitter or ping our @satRdays_org handle directly and join the general conversation in our Slack channel.